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Draw 365 - June 1, 2021 Entry
Day 1 - Welcome to Draw 365!
Suggested Supply List
Yummy Supplies and Goodies to Have (10:28)
Week 1, Day 2
Treasure Hunt (2:58)
Week 1, Day 3
Be an original
Copyright Information
Week 1, Day 4
Making A Mark (3:54)
More Mark Making (3:08)
Week 1, Day 5
Meet Your Pencils (4:30)
Week 1, Day 6
Getting To The Point (2:19)
Week 1, Day 7
Creating In the Dark (2:45)
What's With The Chalk Outlines? (1:41)
Week 2, Day 1
Time Capsule Drawing
Week 2, Day 2
Dance and Draw to the Music!
Week 2, Day 3
Let's Get Into Shape! (3:36)
Week 2, Day 4
Shape Drawing Exercise PDF
Shape Shifting (4:33)
Week 2, Day 5
Positive and Negative Shapes Worksheet
Negative Shapes, Positive Vibes (2:22)
Week 2, Day 6
Shades of Grey (6:45)
Week 2, Day 7
Reference Photo
Different Strokes (6:58)
Week 3, Day 1
Drawing Workout
Week 3, Day 2
Reference Image
Going 3D (10:21)
Week 3, Day 3
Light and Shadow Worksheet
Week 3, Day 4
Drawing Upside Down
Week 3, Day 5
Reference Image
Dark and Light (2:55)
Week 3, Day 6
Opposites Attract
Week 3, Day 7
Why Do You Draw?
Week 4, Day 1
Principles to Live By
Week 4, Day 2
It's Elemental
Week 4, Day 3
All About Design and Composition
Week 4, Day 4
Quick and Easy Composition (2:15)
Week 4, Day 5
Sketching For Compositions
Tree Photograph
Week 4, Day 6
Artist as Collector
Week 4, Day 7
Be Still
Week 5, Day 1
Get Inspired!
Week 5, Day 2
Let's Shed Some Light On The Situation (6:43)
Week 5, Day 3
Making It Black and White
Week 5, Day 4
Thumbnail sketches (7:40)
Week 5, Day 5
Drawing Grid (11:43)
Week 5, Day 6
Transferring the Image (8:14)
Week 5, Day 7
Drawing as Meditation
Week 6, Day 1
Still Life Drawing Lesson #1 (13:34)
Week 6, Day 2
Still Life Drawing Lesson #2 (18:07)
Week 6, Day 3
Still Life Drawing Lesson #3 (8:21)
My Final Drawing
Week 6, Day 4
Studio Day and Process Photos
Week 6, Day 5
Photographing Your Artwork (2:09)
How to Get White Balance Using Snapseed App
Week 6, Day 6
Fix It
Week 6, Day 7
Week 7, Day 1
Critiquing Own and Others Work
Week 7, Day 2
One Point Perspective (7:46)
Week 7, Day 3
Two Point Perspective (6:24)
Step by step for two point perspective
Week 7, Day 4
Equal Distance Spacing in Perspective (5:18)
Week 7, Day 5
Another Tool to Sketch With
Week 7, Day 6
Stairs in Perspective (6:15)
Week 7, Day 7
The Key to John Singer Sargent's Greatness?
Week 8, Day 1
What is an Ellipse?
Drawing Ellipses (5:30)
Week 8, Day 2
Bird's Eye View (3:00)
Perspective Photos
Week 8, Day 3
Using Charcoal (12:06)
Photo Reference
Week 8, Day 4
Charcoal Examples
Week 8, Day 5
Draw Often
Week 8, Day 6
Watercolor Graphite (13:30)
Reference Photos
Week 8, Day 7
Using Grey Toned Paper (8:56)
Reference Photo
Week 9, Day 1
Visual Artifact Journals
Week 9, Day 2
More Sketching Ideas
Week 9, Day 3
Egg Head (4:11)
Week 9, Day 4
Drawing the Portrait Worksheets
Week 9, Day 5
Facial Features
Week 9, Day 6
What would Heaven be like for you?
Week 9, Day 7
Drawing A Portrait: Part 1 (12:32)
Reference Photo
Week 10, Day 1
Drawing A Portrait Part 2 (9:49)
Week 10, Day 2
The Deal with Doodling
Week 10, Day 3
Portrait Taking Tips
Week 10, Day 4
How To Sharpen Your Charcoal Pencil (2:18)
Week 10, Day 5
The First Portrait
Week 10, Day 6
The Best Model
Week 10, Day 7
Drawing The Eye (11:44)
Reference Photo of an Eye
Week 11, Day 1
Drawing the Nose (6:45)
Photo Reference of a Nose
Week 11, Day 2
Reference Photo of an Ear
Drawing the Ear (4:54)
Week 11, Day 3
Discouraged? You are not alone.
Week 11, Day 4
Drawing the Lips (10:55)
Reference Photo of Lips
Week 11, Day 5
Reilly Abstraction
Week 11, Day 6
Reilly Abstraction in Profile
Week 11, Day 7
The Reilly Abstraction in Light and Shadow
Week 12, Day 1
How Inspiration Finds You
Week 12, Day 2
Reilly Abstraction in Practice (16:30)
Matt Damon Photo
Matt Damon Drawing
Week 12, Day 3
Time to Practice
Week 12, Day 4
Reference Photo
Reilly Abstraction Drawing of A Young Woman
Reilly Abstraction of A Young Woman (12:54)
Week 12, Day 5
Understanding Light and Shadow in A Portrait
Week 12, Day 6
10 Most Common Mistakes of Portrait Drawing
Week 12, Day 7
Direct vs Indirect Light
Week 13, Day 1
Jeff Koons Quote
Week 13, Day 2
A Helpful Tip
Week 13, Day 3
Practicing Light and Shadow (13:11)
Week 13, Day 4
Keep Going
Week 13, Day 5
Making a Value Statement (7:45)
Week 13, Day 6
Drawing the Shape of Hair (1:37)
Week 13, Day 7
Interpreting the World
Week 14, Day 1
Drawing the Difference in Female and Male Portraits
Week 14, Day 2
Old vs Young Faces
Week 14, Day 3
Portrait Assignment
Week 14. Day 4
Portrait Inspiration
Week 14. Day 5
Reference Photo
Comparing Values (2:20)
Week 14, Day 6
Drawing on Grey Toned Paper Part 1 (25:43)
Week 14, Day 7
Drawing on Grey Toned Paper: Part 2 (18:54)
Week 15, Day 1
Studio Day
Week 15, Day 2
Keep Drawing
Week 15, Day 3
Drawing Hands
Week 15, Day 4
Dem Bones
Week 15, Day 5
Simplifying the Hand into Shapes (0:32)
Week 15, Day 6
Drawing the Hand in Different Positons
Week 15, Day 7
Beatrix Potter's Thoughts on Drawing
Week 16, Day 1
Ink Supply List
Week 16, Day 2
Drawing a Fist
Week 16, Day 3
Draw Your Own Fist
Week 16, Day 4
Body Proportions
Week 16, Day 5
Today's Inspiration
Week 16, Day 6
Book of Hand Gestures Assignment
Week 16, Day 7
Foot Bones
Week 17, Day 1
Originality Quote
Week 17, Day 2
How to Draw A Foot
Week 17, Day 3
Drawing Hands and Feet on Grey Toned Paper
Week 17, Day 4
Hand and Foot Inspiration
Week 17, Day 5
A Photo for You
Week 17, Day 6
Portrait Critique (10:25)
Week 17, Day 7
Another Portrait Critique (7:59)
Week 18, Day 1
One More Student Critique (9:59)
Week 18, Day 2
Fall Cleaning
Week 18, Day 3
Stay Curious
Week 18, Day 4
Overview of Ink Supplies (4:24)
Week 18, Day 5
What is Inktober?
Week 18, Day 6
Inktober Prompts
Week 18, Day 7
Ink Blots: Part 1 (3:39)
Week 19, Day 1
Ink Blots: Part 2 (2:48)
Week 19, Day 2
Ink Blot Inspiration
Week 19, Day 3
What is Ink?
Week 19, Day 4
Ink vs. Watercolor: What is the Difference?
Week 19, Day 5
Just Ink It!
Week 19, Day 6
Creating a Black & White Graphic Drawing (7:19)
Tractor Reference Photo
Week 19, Day 7
Inspiration for Graphic Ink Drawings
Week 20, Day 1
What is Sumi-e?
Week 20, Day 2
Examples of Sumi-e Painting
Week 20, Day 3
Life and Sumi-e Painting
Week 20, Day 4
History of Ink
Week 20, Day 5
Simple Strokes with a Chinese Brush (5:39)
Week 20, Day 6
Exploring Ink Drawings
Week 20, Day 7
Pear Photograph
Drawing and Sketching with Ink Pens (12:55)
Week 21, Day 1
A Plethora of Pens
Week 21, Day 2
Controlling the Pen
Week 21, Day 3
Getting It Straight
Week 21, Day 4
Alphonso Dunn Quote
Week 21, Day 5
Google Arts & Culture
Week 21, Day 6
The Art of Monochrome Ink Painting
Week 21, Day 7
Reference Photo for Ink Drawing
Parallel Lines
Week 22, Day 1
Week 22, Day 2
More Crosshatching
Week 22, Day 3
Scribble LInes
Week 22, Day 4
Week 22, Day 5
The Correct Way to Stipple
Week 22, Day 6
Different Type of Scribble
Week 22, Day 7
Olive Tree Sketch: An Example of Scribbling
Week 23, Day 1
Is Your Soul Growing?
Week 23, Day 2
Crisscross Lines
Week 23, Day 3
Images for Landscape Drawing
Drawing A Landscape With Ink (19:45)
Week 23, Day 4
Cultivate A Sense of Play
Week 23, Day 5
Correcting Mistakes
Week 23, Day 6
Advantages of Drawing Outdoors
Week 23, Day 7
Simple Strokes with the Chinese Brush (5:39)
Week 24, Day 1
Most Colorful Thing
Week 24, Day 2
Atmospheric Perspective (8:52)
Final Drawing
Week 24, Day 3
Landscape with the Ink Brush (16:35)
Reference Photo
Final Drawing
Week 24, Day 4
Sketch Easel Builders Group
Week 24, Day 5
Addictive? What do you think?
Week 24, Day 6
Bright Sunny Day? No Problem
Week 24, Day 7
Another Ink Landscape Value Study (15:14)
Reference Photo
Final Drawing
Week 25, Day 1
Modern and Contemporary Ink Art
Week 25, Day 2
Ink Value Study Using Ink Brushes (15:32)
Reference Photo
Week 25, Day 3
Artistic Adventure
Week 25, Day 4
Quick, Draw!
Week 25, Day 5
Week 25, Day 6
A Recipe for Walnut Ink
Week 25, Day 7
Study Using Sepia on Brown Paper (14:06)
Reference Photo
Final Painting
Week 26, Day 1
Trust Yourself
Week 26, Day 2
What is Zentangle?
Week 26, Day 3
Basic Zen Doodle Patterns (11:08)
Week 26, Day 4
Tangle Pattern Ideas
Week 26, Day 5
Ink Pattern Inspiration
Week 26, Day 6
Ink Assignment
Week 26, Day 7
Visual Interpretations of Isolation
Week 27, Day 1
The Artist Statement
Week 27, Day 2
Time to Celebrate
Week 27, Day 3
Time To Color
Week 27, Day 4
Filling Your Palette With Ink (2:45)
Week 27, Day 5
Ink vs Watercolor (4:11)
Week 27, Day 6
Creating A Color Wheel (2:19)
Week 27, Day 7
Creating A Color Chart (9:06)
Week 28, Day 1
Putting the Genie Back in the Bottle (0:25)
Week 28, Day 2
Cleaning Your Palette (1:08)
Week 28, Day 3
How to do a Beaded Wash (2:25)
Week 28, Day 4
Gradated Beaded Wash (1:39)
Week 28, Day 5
Glazing (1:21)
Week 28, Day 6
Wet-in-wet washes (1:38)
Week 28, Day 7
The Mystery of Color
Week 29, Day 1
Drybrush (1:00)
Week 29, Day 2
Going Darker (2:23)
Week 29, Day 3
Gorgeous Greys (1:50)
Week 29, Day 4
Glazed Pear (5:06)
Week 29, Day 5
Wet-in-wet Pear (3:02)
Week 29, Day 6
Using Plastic Wrap to Create Texture (1:27)
Week 29, Day 7
Salt Effects (3:26)
Week 30, Day 1
Splattering (0:52)
Week 30, Day 2
Joan Miró
Week 30, Day 3
Tissue For Texture (0:47)
Week 30, Day 4
Using Paper Towels For Texture (0:46)
Week 30, Day 5
Alcohol For Effects (0:59)
Week 30, Day 6
Stamping with Leaves: Part 1 (3:14)
Week 30, Day7
Stamping with Leaves: Part 2 (13:20)
Week 31, Day 1
Have Courage
Week 31, Day 2
Reference Photo
Colored Ink with Pen: Leaves, Part 1 (8:05)
Week 31, Day 3
Colored Ink with Pen: Leaves, Part 2 (13:20)
Final Drawing
Week 31, Day 4
Color Terminology
Week 31, Day 5
Josef Albers
Week 31, Day 6
Most Relative Medium in Art
Week 31, Day 7
Relativity and Interaction of Color
Week 32, Day 1
Pantone Color System
Week 32, Day 2
Pantone Color Trends for the Year
Week 32, Day 3
Sea Star Reference Photo
Sea Star in Ink: Part 1 (16:00)
Week 32, Day 4
Sea Star: Part 2 (8:05)
Sea Star Final Drawing
Week 32, Day 5
A Day Off
Week 32, Day 6
Analogous Color Scheme
Week 32, Day 7
Complimentary Color Scheme
Week 33, Day 1
Split Complimentary Color Scheme
Week 32, Day 2
Triadic Color Scheme
Week 33, Day 3
Tetradic Color Scheme
Week 33, Day 4
The Light of Color
Week 32, Day 5
The Relativity of Color Temperature
Week 32, Day 6
History of Crayola
Week 33, Day 7
Munsell Color System
Week 34, Day 1
Munsell Color Chart
Week 34, Day 2
The Meaning of Color
Week 34, Day 3
Speaking Poetry
Week 34, Day 4
Ink Patterns with Color: Part 1 (14:33)
Week 34, Day 5
Ink Patterns with Color: Part 2 (2:13)
Week 34, Day 6
Ocean Doodles Drawing
Ink Patterns with Color: Part 3 (10:50)
Week 34, Day 7
Ink Patterns with Color: Part 4 (4:50)
Fish Final Drawing
Week 35, Day 1
What John Ruskin Says About Color
Week 35, Day 2
Yoga For the Brain
Week 35, Day 3
Pen & Ink Artist Heather Souliere
Week 35, Day 4
What Can Color Do?
Week 35, Day 5
Bullet Journaling
Week 35, Day 6
All the Colors . . .
Week 35, Day 7
Adding Colored Ink to Your Brushes
Week 36, Day 1
In Order to Make Art. . .
Week 36, Day 2
The Super Fast Color Scheme Generator
Week 36, Day 3
The CMYK Color Model
Week 36, Day 4
The RGB Color Model
Week 36, Day 5
Drawing the Olive Tree with Colored Ink (7:56)
Olive Tree Reference Photo
Week 36, Day 6
Olive Tree in Color: Part 2 (3:15)
Final Olive Tree Drawing
Week 36, Day 7
Adding Color Washes to a Pen Drawing (3:00)
Final Drawing
Week 37, Day 1
Pen & Ink Artist Nicolas V Sanchez
Week 37, Day 2
Do You Feel This Way?
Week 37, Day 3
Are You Maintaining that Sketchbook?
Week 37, Day 4
Suggested Supply List #3
Week 37, Day 5
History of Textile and Food Dye
Week 37, Day 6
Piece-Dyeing vs Garment-Dyeing in Clothing
Week 37, Day 7
Week 38, Day 1
Reference Photo
Landscape with Colored Ink: Part 1 (7:18)
Landscape with Colored Ink: Part 1 Continued (10:54)
Week 38, Day 2
Landscape with Colored Ink: Part 2 (13:16)
Final Drawing
Week 38, Day 3
Studio Day or Shopping Day?
Week 38, Day 4
Learn the Rules . . .
Week 38, Day 5
Combining Pen & Ink with the Digital
Week 38, Day 6
What Are You Waiting For?
Week 38, Day 7
Urban Sketching
Week 39, Day 1
Examples of Urban Sketching
Week 39, Day 2
Difference Between Plein Air Painting and Urban Sketching
Week 39, Day 3
Urban Sketching Reference Photo
Urban Sketching: Part 1 (8:39)
Week 39, Day 4
Urban Sketching: Part 2 (9:44)
Final Urban Sketch Drawing
Week 39, Day 5
Using Inktense Pencils (5:25)
Week 39, Day 6
Overview of Pastel and Colored Pencil Supplies (5:05)
Week 39, Day 7
What is Pastel?
Week 40, Day 1
Types of Pastel
Week 40, Day 2
Are Pastels pastel?
Week 40, Day 3
Working Vertical
Week 40, Day 4
Collect That Dust!
Week 40, Day 5
Keeping Pastels Clean
Week 40, Day 6
Use Charcoal
Week 40, Day 7
Blending Colors
Week 41, Day 1
Week 41, Day 2
Another Blending Tool
Week 41, Day 3
Protect Your Hands
Week 41, Day 4
Drawing a Sphere in Pastel (3:58)
Week 41, Day 5
Why not?
Week 41, Day 6
Drawing An Apple in Pastel (11:40)
Apple Photo
Week 41, Day 7
Texture of Pastel Paper
Week 42, Day 1
So Smooth
Week 42, Day 2
Roughing It
Week 42, Day 3
The Attributes of Pastel
Week 42, Day 4
Yes! You can use an eraser
Week 42, Day 5
Begin with an Underpainting
Week 42, Day 6
Using Water with Pastels (1:32)
Week 42, Day 7
Pastel artist Robin Frisella
Week 43, Day 1
Using Mineral Spirits to Create an Underpainting (3:19)
Week 43, Day 2
Using Other Paint for an Underpainting
Week 43, Day 3
Making Paint From Pastels
Week 43, Day 4
Pastel Reference Photo
Pastel Painting Part 1 (17:36)
Week 43, Day 5
Pastel Painting Part 2 (21:57)
Final Pastel Drawing
Week 43, Day 6
If You Could. . .
Week 43, Day 7
Storing Your Pastel Paintings
Week 44, Day 1
Fixing Your Pastel
Week 44, Day 2
How to Frame a Pastel Painting
Week 44, Day 3
Are You A Conduit?
Week 44, Day 4
A Video on the Production of Pencils
Week 44, Day 5
The Ingredients in Colored Pencils
Week 44, Day 6
History of Colored Pencil
Week 44, Day 7
Difference Between Oil and Wax Based Colored Pencils
Week 45, Day 1
Paper for Colored Pencil Drawings
Week 45, Day 2
Layering with Colored Pencil
Week 45, Day 3
Burnishing in Colored Pencil
Week 45, Day 4
Burnishing with White Pencil
Week 45, Day 5
Burnishing with Isopropyl Alcohol
Week 45, Day 6
Burnishing with Nail Polish Remover
Week 45, Day 7
Tools for the Application of Solvent
Week 46, Day 1
Burnishing with Odorless Mineral Spirits
Week 46, Day 2
The Second Layer
Week 46, Day 3
On Color and Light
Week 46, Day 4
Layering and Burnishing Two Colors
Week 46, Day 5
Preserving White
Week 46, Day 6
Scoring the Paper (2:57)
Week 46, Day 7
Roughing It
Week 47, Day 1
What the Doctor Ordered
Week 47, Day 2
Erasing Colored Pencil
Week 47, Day 3
Art Graf Water Soluble Colored Pencils (6:10)
Week 47, Day 4
Drawing a Pepper in Colored Pencil: Part 1 (10:54)
Reference Photo
Week 47, Day 5
Drawing a Pepper in Colored Pencil: Part 2 (11:04)
Week 47, Day 6
Drawing A Pepper in Colored Pencil: Part 3 (13:05)
Final Pepper Drawing
Week 47, Day 7
Is Colored Pencil a Drawing or a Painting?
Week 48, Day 1
Watercolor or Ink as An Underpainting
Week 48, Day 2
Using Digital Methods to Create an Underpainting
Week 48, Day 3
Getting the Most Out of A Colored Pencil
Week 48, Day 4
The Magic of Magic Tape
Week 48, Day 5
What is Success?
Week 48, Day 6
When the Wax Blooms
Week 48, Day 7
Get Ready, Set. . .
Week 49, Day 1
Rhododendron in Colored Pencil: Background Underpainting Part 1 (17:34)
Background Drawing 1
Week 49, Day 2
Burnishing the Background (6:37)
Photo of Burnished Background
Week 49, Day 3
Drawing the Background Bud (18:53)
Background Bud Drawing
Background Bud Burnished
Week 49, Day 4
Drawing the Flower Buds Underpainting (17:29)
Burnishing the Buds (3:02)
Burnished Buds
Week 49, Day 5
Studio Day
Week 49, Day 6
Drawing the Calyx: Part 1 (18:10)
Drawing the Calyx: Part 2 (12:48)
Calyx Drawing
Week 49, Day 7
Burnishing the Calyx (2:03)
Burnished Calyx Image
Week 50, Day 1
Extending the Life of A Pencil
Week 50, Day 2
Blossom Underpainting (15:47)
Blossom Images
Week 50, Day 3
Another Studio Day
Week 50, Day 4
Finishing the Background (13:57)
Completed Background Drawing
Week 50, Day 5
Finishing Background Bud and Calyx (8:16)
Background Buds Final Image
Week 50, Day 6
Completing the Painting (19:07)
Completed Rhododendron Painting
Week 50, Day 7
The Best Advice . . .
Week 51, Day 1
The Work of Julie Podstolski
Week 51, Day 2
Using Sanded Paper for Colored Pencil
Week 51, Day 3
Just Add A Medium
Week 51, Day 4
Mirror Image
Week 51, Day 5
Encaustic Painting
Week 51, Day 6
How To Turn Colored Pencil Into An Encaustic Painting
Week 51, Day 7
Protecting A Colored Pencil Painting
Week 52, Day 1
The Best Gifts
Week 52, Day 2
Re-Visiting the Time Capsule
Week 52, Day 3
Having An Attitude of Gratitude
Week 52, Day 4
Final Project
Week 52, Day 5
Make An Artistic Goal
Week 52, Day 7
The Greatest Guru
The End
The End!
Drawing the Ear
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